Dr. Jens Biemann


Dr. Jens Biemann advises public clients on the structuring and implementation of complex award and competition procedures. Another focus is on advising companies on their participation in public procurement procedures. In addition, he regularly represents public contracting authorities as well as companies before the public procurement review bodies.

After working in large law firms, he was most recently a partner in a law firm specializing in public procurement law.


Short biography

Albert Ludwig University Freiburg
Dissertation in public law
Lecturer for public procurement law at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz Technology, Economics and Design (since 2015)
Author of numerous specialist publications, e.g. commentary on various regulations in Beck’schen Vergaberechtskommentar (volumes 1 and 2)
Specialist lawyer for public procurement law

Main areas of practice

Public procurement and competition law
Privatizations and Public Private Partnerships
Public commercial law
Law on subsidies, grants and state aid
Concession awards


German, English




Publications and lectures (excerpt)

· Commentary on various regulations in Beck’schen Vergaberechtskommentar (volumes 1 and 2)

· Lecture on public procurement law, teaching at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz Technology,  Economics and Design, Master Legal Management, module “Regulatory Affairs” (since 2015)

·  Panel discussion on “Planning and building in Germany, competition won – now what?” at Swissbau in Basel (2022)

· Conception of the seminar series “Planning and Building in Germany” for the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects SIA

·  Seminar Behörden Spiegel “Awarding of creative services” (2019)

· Seminar Behörden Spiegel “Awarding contracts in public transport for public authorities” (2018)

·  “In dubio pro Bieter principle does not apply to bid interpretation”, Vergabeblog (2017)

· “No winter without road salt decision: principle of product-neutral tendering versus right to determine performance,” Vergabeblog (2017)

· “New criteria facilitate tendering,” Behörden Spiegel (2017).

·  Lecture “Neues Vergaberecht”, event “Zukunft Behördengeschäft” of LeasePlan Deutschland GmbH in Neuss (2016 and 2017).

· Lecture “Economic Procurement in the Refugee Crisis”, Municipal Refugee Congress in Nuremberg (2016)

· Lecture “Economic Procurement in the Refugee Crisis – What Changes in Practical Terms in Public Procurement Law?”, Federal Congress on Budget and Finance in Berlin (2016)

· “Tendering and awarding”, der gemeinderat (2016).

· “No award letter – Procurement of accommodation in the face of exploding numbers of asylum seekers,” Behörden Spiegel (2016).

· “Competition mandatory,” stadt + werk (2015).

· Lecture “Optimal realization in the award procedure”, practical seminar “Construction and operation of asylum seeker accommodations” by Behörden Spiegel in Frankfurt (2015)

· “Negotiations are complex and difficult”, interview in the Pforzheimer Kurier (2015)

· Lecture “Obligation to award contracts electronically”, Update Vergaberecht 2015 in Düsseldorf (2015)

· Lecture “Deadlines: calculation, appropriateness, minimum deadlines”, VergabeFIT forum vergabe e.V. in Bremen (2015)

· “New guide for awarding energy concessions”, Kommunalwirtschaft (2015).

· Lectures “Optimal realization in the award procedure” and “Practical example for the procurement of housing containers”, practical seminar “Construction and operation of accommodation for asylum seekers” of the Behörden Spiegel in Düsseldorf (2015).

· “Where to take living space from and not steal it? New housing for asylum seekers – fast and legally secure”, DEMO Magazin für Kommunalpolitik (2015).

· “Ancillary services and transparency requirement”, Behörden Spiegel (2015).

· “E-world 2015: energy concessions and municipal utility start-ups,” Kommunalwirtschaft (2015).

·  “Exploiting existing opportunities,” Behörden Spiegel (2015).

·  “New accommodation for asylum seekers,” KOPO Kommunalpolitische Blätter (2015).

·  Lecture “The supervisory board meeting – what to consider?”, Supervisory Board Conference Association of Municipal Enterprises (VKU) in Stuttgart (2014).

·  “New guidelines for the award of electricity and gas concessions”, ew Spezial IV (2014).

·  “Understanding Gera’s insolvency as an incentive”, ZfK – Zeitung für kommunale Wirtschaft (2014).

·  Lectures “Solutions and design options” and “Concession awards in practice”, seminar “Legally secure and practicable awarding of electricity and gas concessions” by Behörden Spiegel in Düsseldorf (2014)

·  “Stadtwerke siegreich”, KLM Kommunalleasing Magazin (2014).

·  “Patrols” on the Internet – The suspicionless investigations of the police in virtual space, Schriften zum Recht der Inneren Sicherheit, dissertation (2013)

· “New awarding of concessions stopped”, Behörden Spiegel (2013).

· Lecture “Cooperation models in practice”, practical seminar “How do I establish a public utility?” of Behörden Spiegel in Düsseldorf (2013).

·  “Still under power – courts refine legal framework for energy concession awards,” Behörden Spiegel (2013).

·  “Pools with a life cycle approach,” sb – International magazine for sports, leisure and recreational facilities (2013).

·  Presentation “Neuste Entwicklungen zu Konzessionsvergaben im Versorgungssektor”, Update Vergaberecht 2013 in Düsseldorf (2013).

·  “Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court refines legal framework for municipal utility start-ups,” Versorgungswirtschaft (2013)

·  “Mettmann relaunches,” ZfK – Zeitung für kommunale Wirtschaft (2013).

·  “OLG Düsseldorf provides new legal framework for energy cooperations and concession awards”, Vergabeblog (2013).

·  Lecture “Principles of PPP Financing of Swimming Pools”, IAKS Symposium Planning, Construction and Operation of Swimming Pools in Zwickau (2013).

·  “OLG Düsseldorf creates new options for municipalities”, ZfK – Zeitung für kommunale Wirtschaft (2013).

·  Lecture “Current case law on concession awards”, Behörden Spiegel seminar in Düsseldorf (2013).

·  “Courts strengthen position of municipalities”, Behörden Spiegel (2012).

·  “Defects in electricity concession award irrelevant for network transfer,” Kommunalwirtschaft (2012)

·  “Federal Cartel Office attacks electricity and gas concession awards,” InfrastrukturRecht (2012).

·  “Electricity and Gas Concession Awards – Under Scrutiny,” rathausconsult (2011).

·  “Construction awards with capped budgets”, vhw Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e.V., vhw seminar in Frankfurt am Main (2011).

·  “Package awards with life cycle approach”, rathausconsult (2011).

·  Lecture “Renovation and new construction of swimming pools in a package”, 3rd sportinfra sports facility fair and symposium of the Landessportbund Hessen e.V. in Frankfurt am Main (2010)

·  “Package contracting with life cycle approach for planning, construction and operation”, Publicus (2010)

·  “In a package saves a lot of time”, Behörden Spiegel special print (2010)

·  “Free ride for new daycare centers,” Behörden Spiegel special print (2010)

·  “Once Ahlhorn and Back,” Bundesbaublatt (2010).

·  “From Zero to Hero: Renovation of the Vennbad swimming pool in Monschau,” sb – International magazine for sports, leisure and recreational facilities (2010)